The Best Things

When We Build - Wilson Miner
I Love the University - Aaron Swartz
An Apology for Roger Eber - Brian Moriarty

On the Spectrum of Abstraction - Cheng Lou
Visualizing Algorithms - Mike Bostock
Pure UI - Guillermo Rauch

Inspirations - Cristóbal Vila
The Secret of Psalm 46 - Brain Moriarty
Looking Back - Clark Street Bridge Writing School

Message to Future Generations - Bertrand Russell
Secrets of Life - Steve Jobs
Why Do Science - Richard Feynman

On the Road - Jack Kerouac
She’s Gone - Mark Knopfler
Death is Not the End - Eivør Pálsdóttir, Bob Dylan

RAN - Akira Kurosawa
Josef Koudelka

Echoes in Pompeii - Pink Floyd
Don’t Let Me Down, on the roof of Apple - The Beatles

秋夜 - 魯迅
The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate - Ted Chiang
The Library of Babel - Jorge Luis Borges
Sand and Foam - Kahlil Gibran

Atlantic Codex - Leonardo da Vinci
Din Blinde Passager - Olafur Eliasson